Sacred Practice series

For several years I've been writing reflections from the spiritual disciplines devotionals that I use during Ordinary Time (the time of the year that doesn't fall between Advent and Pentecost).  Some years I use the book Disciplines for the Inner Life by Bob Benson, Sr. and Michael W. Benson.  This year I'm using A Year With God: Living Out the Spiritual Disciplines by Richard Foster.  I am no speed-reader, especially when my intention is to not just hear but do the words I'm reading. This means my written reflections pop up rather sporadically here, but my hope is to share something from the series with you at least once a month

(from first post in the series in Disciplines for the Inner Life, December 2008)

It's been sitting on my bookshelf for many years. Except for moving it from one shelf to another when we moved in May it's been untouched and forgotten. 

When Brian was preparing a message for Thanksgiving services, he pulled it off the shelf to see what it had to say about gratitude. He began to read the Invocation and selected readings and I remembered why I enjoyed this book as a guide for the discipline of study, worship and prayer. Disciplines for the Inner Life by Michael Benson has been an excellent rescource for me in the past as I long for a spiritual formation that is deep and solid and real. I am thankful that Brian reminded me of this book as we headed into Advent. What better time of the year to begin 52 weeks of study in the discplines than the beginning of the Church liturgical calendar.

(what I know since then)
Call me the Sufjan Stevens of blogging -- he with his lofty goal of recording one album dedicated to each of the 50 states, me with my goal of studying, reflecting and then writing one post each week for all 52 of the disciplines written in Benson's book.  So, I only got through 11 disciplines, but it took me 17 posts to write about them, so that's something.  One day, I hope to add more to this series, but this 11 week discipline was not for nothing.