5 favorites: Flour Baby, mama bragging + other good online words from this week

Happy Friday, dear friends!!  What are you savoring this weekend?

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Last week I shared 5 favorite links for great stuff to watch on TV, film or video.  This week I'm retroactively putting this on the top of the list.  Flour Baby is the short film debut by Amber Bixby, one of our favorite comics (who also happens to be dating our oldest son).  

photo credit

Find out what happens years later when a woman never gave up her flour baby after high school home ec class.  We were already impressed with Amber's quirky + adorable + hilarious comic skills, and now we're impressed with Voltaic Video also.  That we're impressed with Andrew's contribution to this short film probably goes without saying.

Flour Baby from Voltaic Video on Vimeo.

(Note: if you're thinking about watching this with your younger kids, know there's a small bit of language)

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So this week I had the fun of seeing both of my sons on television/film.  The juxtaposition of the formats says so much about the difference between these two, who manage to remain best friends.  The truth is -- even though their pursuits seem entirely different from the other -- they each could easily slip into supporting roles in the other's quest.

Alex emailed yesterday with the subject: "If you want to see me on C-Span..."  And there he is -- sitting in the background during a legislative hearing with the Committee on Indian Affairs.  He is interning with the Department of Education this summer and living in Washington, D.C. If you are even a little bit as interested as we (his parents) are in seeing our son on television, you can see his boss, William Mendoza, give testimony that Alex helped to research and write at about 23 minutes and then at about 29 minutes you can see Alex (more clearly at 1:37:50) sitting in the second row behind those giving testimony. 

United States Senate Committee Channel: Center for Indian Affairs

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Keeping with the theme of delighting in my kids' passions, here's one of my favorite pictures from Natalie's week of counseling at Camp Nikos. This year marks her third working with Mission: Possible Austin's Project Intercept program and she is never more herself than when she's serving these beautiful, energetic, courageous at-risk kids.

Thank God, Natalie's knee has healed almost completely since that scary car accident a few weeks back.  Just a couple more physical therapy appointments and it seems she'll be as good as new.  Thanks be to God!

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Of course I've already been talking about Kendra here quite a bit lately, her party and our marvel of her stunning life.  I find this experience of seeing my child in a cap and gown to bring an exceptional clarity of mothering insight.

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Not to be left out, my main squeeze celebrated a birthday this week.  I love celebrating him even though I don't feel like I'm very good at it.  


Other good stuff online

  • Controlling the Narrative at The New York Times opinion page: Thank you to Andrea Dilley for passing this link on.  If you write or read this is excellent insight into the 
      • How Could This Have Happened by Dr. John Stackhouse: In a flurry of trying to not spew my fairly uninformed opinions in a the handy outlet of a Facebook status, I asked a few trusted theologians to share with me what has informed them on the issue of gun control.  This is piece is brief but intelligent and reasonable and helpful.   Even though it was written in response to the shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, in the timeline of humans using weapons to kill humans it's practically hot off the presses.


      A grace-filled weekend for us all, dear ones.