12 days left until our first Readers Guild gathering!

True confession.  I have lots of reading to do before January 26.  How about you?  Anyone else want to 'fess up?  I had a mid-term exam this week for a class I'm taking and I've been saving Endo's novel as a kind of reward for making it through.  Brian and I are taking a road trip this weekend and I'm hoping to have lots of lovely miles for reading.

If you're participating in the Readers Guild -- or are just interested in this novel -- here are a couple of helpful resources to help you prepare for the discussion group:

  • IAM Reader's Guild Discussion Guide for Silence
  • Mako Fujimura on Silence (IAM podcast) -- excellent insight about the novel from this Japanese American artist. 

If you'd like to join this month's discussion group, here's all the stuff you need to know:

When:  Tuesday, January 26, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Where:  THE LOCATION HAS CHANGED -- With such a great response, we outgrew the studio location before we even began.  Erin McMahon has graciously invited us to use her house at 3619 Watson Blvd, Endwell.  Thank you, Erin!
What to bring:  your thoughts about your reading (use the discussion guide to help you prepare), an open mind to hear others' opinions and perspectives, and a snack or drink to share.

If you haven't already, please RSVP in the comment section of this blog or at my email address, tmurphyATunioncenterDOTorg

Can't join us this month?  Check out IAM Reader's Guild site for the 2010 book list.  It's pretty sweet!