7 quick takes from a pretty good week + other good things I found online

It was hard to o back to work today after we spent the weekend with all of our kids and their significant others.  We'd never been all together under the same roof and this was 2 whole nights.  So a pretty big deal.  Marvelous, fun, restful.  We're grateful to friends who shared their lake house with us.  We're grateful for people who pray for us -- even for times that don't seem like they need prayer.  Like this weekend.  

Also, it was good to get these girls together after 2 months apart.

Re-posted the poem I wrote for my brother's birthday last year.  I think I'm always most homesick around the time of his birthday every year because 1) Autumn in New York is perfect and 2) Todd always brought us together to celebrate well.  

Grateful for the surprise opportunity to write more often for Think Christian.  So much interesting conversation on this topic:  Parenting is not a covenantal relationship. Marriage is.

With the emotional upheaval of sending another child to college in September (and just plain old general angst) my reading list is pretty fluffy.  I'm not complaining one bit.

Here's my 5 reads from September and October (including this fun mystery novel for book club):

Also, used my lunch break to walk with a friend around Town Lake.  Talked so hard and so fast that I didn't pay attention to how hot it was until I had to go back to the office sweaty and red-faced.  I felt like the gross kid who never showered after middle school P.E.  Still, the walk & talk was life-giving, even if I stunk the rest of the day!

Blessed, blessed Friday. Enjoyed deee-licious lunch with co-workers at Shoal Creek Saloon. Shrimp Gumbo and Boudin, so good!

It's the annual Christ Church Parish retreat.  I could only spend one day this year, but it was a full and enjoyable day.  Bishop Todd Hunter spoke life-giving, challenging words.  Lunch and dinner and in-between times catching up with dear people.  One long, hot walk in the 90 degree Texas sunshine on country roads and the annual, always-fun Christ Church Talent Show, followed by a family dance party.  

Driving up I was dreading the remembering of our friend Trey who died this same weekend last year.  The last time I saw him he was carrying suitcases into his family's camp room.  He was just silhouetted by the light, like a man headed toward a soft place after a long trip.  In His kindness, the Holy Spirit brought to mind many other remembrances from retreats past -- baptisms, making new and lasting friendships, much laughter and joy.  This was good to remember.

A day at home to rest, take care of the dog, write.  Also, to make this awesome slide show remembering our family's time together last weekend.

Murphy Family Weekend at the Lake House - October 2014 by Slidely Slideshow

--- Other good words online this week ---

10 Awesome Airbnb Trailers For Your Next Weekend Getaway  at Messynessy Chic:  Oh how I wish!
Robin Roberts and Michelle Obama at Working Families Summit on YouTube:  I especially enjoyed listening to this interview as it relates to recent conversations I've had regarding women and work. Also, I really like Michelle Obama.   
Ignore No More Remotely Locks Phones, Forces Kids to Call You Back at Lifehacker:  This would be kind of great.  My kids probably think they need this for us.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!